
MWA Management Walk Around


Managing By Walking Around — Digitally

Feb 25, 2022,04:47pm EST

Connecting is now a digital thing.


A compelling management style that has been promoted over the years and decades is “MBWA,” or Management by Walking Around. Just get up from behind your desk and get to know what people are doing, and more importantly, how they are doing. It’s the ultimate way to keep one’s ear to the ground, and get to know what’s happening across the company on a far more intimate basis. Click here to read the article

Disconnect from your remote team? Management by Walk Around   Ivy Exec Blog

For many decades, CEOs have implemented a strategy called Management By Walking Around (MBWA). Literally, this strategy involves walking around the company, connecting with employees and developing a clearer picture of operations. The term was coined in the 1940s, and many CEOs have practiced this strategy over the subsequent seven decades.

Perhaps the idea was best explained in a 1982 book by Tom Peters and Robert H. Waterman called In Search of Excellence: Lessons from America’s Best Run Companies. In sum, most successful companies had leaders that were in the field most of the time, rather than in their offices. Click here to read the article.

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